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Viewing message <88omk2$hud$1@monet.op.net>

From: Mark-Jason Dominus (mjd@op.net)
Subject: Re: GDBM_File
Newsgroups: comp.lang.perl.misc, comp.lang.perl.moderated
View: Complete Thread (12 articles) | Original Format
Date: 2000/02/20
In article <Pine.LNX.4.10.10002201232160.5368-100000@maine.goforit.com.sg>,
Benny Chee  <bennycc@pacific.net.sg> wrote:
>	It just did not installed the GDBM_File.pm module.

Hi.  I realize this does not answer your question, but I recommend
that you not sink any more time into gdbm.  You should look into
DB_File, which uses the Berkeley db library, instead.

About 18 months ago I had a large GDBM database with about 320,000
keys.  The file was about 260 megabytes long.  It contained three
years' worth of data that one of my customers had collected on their
web site.

One day, I was not able to get all the keys out with firstkey/nextkey.
A simple program to dump out the keys delivered a list of about 1700
before terminating.  I could still add new items and lok up old items
if I knew the keys, but I couldn't get a complete key list.

I sent a bug report to the gnu folks and offered to do anything
possible to help them investigate the problem.  Instead, they said:

	I have heard of this happening before.  I was not able to find
	out why.  Do you have a backup of earlier versions so you can
	get most of your keys out?  If so, you might try to recover by
	moving to DB-2.? routines.  They are still being updated an
	developed.  gdbm has not had any active development in years.

So I restored as much of the data as I could from the backup tapes,
moved the database to berkeley DB, and I have not gone near gdbm since
then.  I will not be using it again.

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