International Gay Figure Skating Union

August 19, 1998

Dear Friends,

Figure skaters MUST have an official voice with the Federation of Gay Games to bring our sport back for Gay Games VI in Sydney in 2002. What happened in Amsterdam was a tragedy that could have been prevented.

Please join in resurrecting the organization that brought our sport into Gay Games IV in New York in 1994.

Elections for officers will be held in October. All dues-paying members will be sent a ballot. If you are interested in running for office, please submit a brief statement of your qualifications with the enclosed membership application. We will be elected 2 Co-Presidents, a Treasurer, a Recording Secretary and a Membership Coordinator.

We must be incorporated (any attorneys out there?) and ready to send a representative to the next Federation meeting in Seattle in November.

Basic membership is US$25 (US$30 outside the USA). Membership at higher levels will help enormously in the fight to undo the damage done in Amsterdam.

Thank you for your support.

Laura Moore

PO Box 945
New York NY 10116
(212) 255-0559

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