Boitano Takes It Back (sort of)

International Figure Skating magazine, on its "Quotables" page of October/November 1996, quoted a section from Brian Boitano's May 4, 1996 interview with the Detroit Free Press and News, in which Boitano claimed that 95.8% of élite skaters are straight, and that "To this day I don't know a person with HIV in the skating ranks."

Apparently responding to disbelief, evidence to the contrary (where HIV is concerned), and offense from the AIDS community, Boitano made this statement on the "Quotables" page of the December/January 1997 International Figure Skating:

"AIDS is a global issue, not just an issue in skating. It affects everybody. I've known some people who have died of AIDS and I've given my time and assistance to support AIDS organizations and I plan to do so in the future."

While it is well-known that Boitano has worked to fight AIDS, presumably his silence on the issue of sexual orientation means that he wishes the 95.8% figure to stand. It is not known by which scientific method that figure was determined.

Update - February 14, 1999. In an interview with the Deseret News, Boitano revises the figure to 10-15% gay participation in the sport.

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