At the ACM (computer geek club) meeting, there was much bozosity. MyTH, the chairman, was trying to organize the user directory names on the mainframe, and thought it would be good if there were only two names in it containing 'ACM'. (Just 'ACM', and also 'ACM executive council'.) He wanted the others to contain 'ACM.' (Like 'ACM. Secretary'), and then people looking through it for 'ACM' will find the Two first, and then the others. But Tim Gallagher, personification of Evil (Actually a very fine fellow and one of the few who doesn't annoy me a lot; he is also halfway through with his five-year high school to PhD in ten easy steps course) was a Fly in the proverbial Ointment. He owned the name "ACM network development Bozo team", and when MyTH told him to remove it (as opposed to asking him politely to remove it, I guess), he said no. Then MyTH told him to at least change the 'ACM' to 'ACM.'. So Tim did, and he added 'ACM' as a nickname, so it's now the "ACM. (ACM) network development bozo team." MyTH brings this up at the meeting and asks what to do. I am laughing pretty hard. There follows a discussion of whether or not we have a legal right to the exclusive use of the letters 'ACM'. This comes to a sudden halt when I ask if we are planning to sue Tim Gallagher. Discussion continues. What action should we take against Tim for the unpardonable offense of making fun of us? Finally Jim Kasprzak and I simultaneously move to have a vote on whether or not to forget the whole silly business and turn our attention to more important matters. I shout louder, so I make the motion and Jim seconds it. Jim is treasurer, and a fine fellow (maybe the finest one here). MyTH says, "Who votes for dropping the matter and no longer harassing Tim Gallagher?" And there's about ten votes. Then he says, "Who's against?" I say, "Yeah, who's in favor of harassing Tim Gallagher?" And lo, fifty votes. Most of us who voted in favor are in shock. Completely aside from the fact that nobody can remember a motion ever being defeated before, we're amazed that the ACM actually voted to waste its time this way. Wow. Jon Finke moves that we table the discussion of how to punish Tim pending investigation of our legal rights. Foo. Next day, there are half a dozen new names in the user directory with 'ACM' in them. One of them belongs to Mark Hill, and says "Sil. Acm. Feh." Mark's account is ancient, and so if you're searching for 'ACM', his entry actually comes up -before- the real one. I volunteer 'ACM clam heads from outer space'. Jim creates 'You STILL can't stop me from using ACM' and sends mail to all the ACM people telling them what dopes they are. He says that the only way he can be made to remove the name is if the ACM revokes his account, and that if they do, he'll resign as treasurer and re-institute the name on his other account, the one not funded by the ACM. What a bunch of bozos.