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Re: MakeMaker WriteMakefile isn't just MM->new

>>>>> On 02 Nov 1999 12:57:01 +0100, andreas.koenig@anima.de (Andreas J. Koenig) said:

>>>>> On Tue, 2 Nov 1999 11:25:38 +0000, Tim Bunce <Tim.Bunce@ig.co.uk> said:
>> The MM docs say:
>> WriteMakefile( ATTRIBUTE => VALUE [, ...] );
>> which is really
MM-> new(\%att)->flush;

>> but that's not true. WriteMakefile calls full_setup() and maintains
>> the $Setup_done state variable:

>> sub WriteMakefile {
>> Carp::croak "WriteMakefile: Need even number of args" if @_ % 2;
>> local $SIG{__WARN__} = \&warnhandler;

>> unless ($Setup_done++){
>> full_setup();
>> undef &ExtUtils::MakeMaker::full_setup; #safe memory
>> }
>> my %att = @_;
MM-> new(\%att)->flush;
>> }

>> I'd like to see the full_setup call moved into new() and the state
>> variable checking moved into full_setup to make it self-contained.
>> (Actually, drop $Setup_done and just use !@MM_Sections.)

 > Yes, that sounds good. OTOH, one could probably throw the
 > time-optimization out and compile the whole MakeMaker on use. Machines
 > are quicker today that they were at the time of writing.

Patch appended. Patch also fixes a glitch that happened in the
repository in patch 4748. Patch goes on top of repository after change

 > One could even throw out the Version_check and save more than the time
 > that $Setup_done was designed to save.

I'll issue a separate patch for that one.


--- lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm~63~4750	Mon Jan  3 09:42:16 2000
+++ lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm	Mon Jan  3 10:12:42 2000
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 package ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
-$VERSION = "5.4302";
+$VERSION = "5.44";
 $Version_OK = "5.17";	# Makefiles older than $Version_OK will die
 			# (Will be checked from MakeMaker version 4.13 onwards)
 ($Revision = substr(q$Revision: 1.222 $, 10)) =~ s/\s+$//;
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 use vars qw(
-	    $ISA_TTY $Is_Mac $Is_OS2 $Is_VMS $Revision $Setup_done
+	    $ISA_TTY $Is_Mac $Is_OS2 $Is_VMS $Revision
 	    $VERSION $Verbose $Version_OK %Config %Keep_after_flush
 	    %MM_Sections %Prepend_dot_dot %Recognized_Att_Keys
 	    @Get_from_Config @MM_Sections @Overridable @Parent
@@ -95,32 +95,16 @@
 # we know for sure we will use most of the autoloaded functions once
 # we have to use one of them. So we write our own loader
-    my $code;
-    if (defined fileno(DATA)) {
-	my $fh = select DATA;
-	my $o = $/;			# For future reads from the file.
-	$/ = "\n__END__\n";
-	$code = <DATA>;
-	$/ = $o;
-	select $fh;
-	close DATA;
-	eval $code;
-	if ($@) {
-	    $@ =~ s/ at .*\n//;
-	    Carp::croak $@;
-	}
-    } else {
-	warn "AUTOLOAD called unexpectedly for $AUTOLOAD"; 
-    }
-    defined(&$AUTOLOAD) or die "Myloader inconsistency error";
-    goto &$AUTOLOAD;
 # The only subroutine we do not SelfLoad is Version_Check because it's
 # called so often. Loading this minimum still requires 1.2 secs on my
 # Indy :-(
+# 3 years later we can say, Version_check takes 0.2 secs on my Linux
+# and MakeMaker has become so stable that we could drop the use of
+# Version_check altogether
 sub Version_check {
     my($checkversion) = @_;
     die "Your Makefile was built with ExtUtils::MakeMaker v $checkversion.
@@ -140,38 +124,10 @@
     warn @_;
-sub ExtUtils::MakeMaker::eval_in_subdirs ;
-sub ExtUtils::MakeMaker::eval_in_x ;
-sub ExtUtils::MakeMaker::full_setup ;
-sub ExtUtils::MakeMaker::writeMakefile ;
-sub ExtUtils::MakeMaker::new ;
-sub ExtUtils::MakeMaker::check_manifest ;
-sub ExtUtils::MakeMaker::parse_args ;
-sub ExtUtils::MakeMaker::check_hints ;
-sub ExtUtils::MakeMaker::mv_all_methods ;
-sub ExtUtils::MakeMaker::skipcheck ;
-sub ExtUtils::MakeMaker::flush ;
-sub ExtUtils::MakeMaker::mkbootstrap ;
-sub ExtUtils::MakeMaker::mksymlists ;
-sub ExtUtils::MakeMaker::neatvalue ;
-sub ExtUtils::MakeMaker::selfdocument ;
-sub ExtUtils::MakeMaker::WriteMakefile ;
-sub ExtUtils::MakeMaker::prompt ($;$) ;
-package ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
 sub WriteMakefile {
     Carp::croak "WriteMakefile: Need even number of args" if @_ % 2;
     local $SIG{__WARN__} = \&warnhandler;
-    unless ($Setup_done++){
-	full_setup();
-	undef &ExtUtils::MakeMaker::full_setup; #safe memory
-    }
     my %att = @_;
@@ -388,7 +344,7 @@
 	if ($@) {
 	    warn "Warning: prerequisite $prereq failed to load: $@";
-	else if ($prereq->VERSION < $self->{PREREQ_PM}->{$prereq} ){
+	elsif ($prereq->VERSION < $self->{PREREQ_PM}->{$prereq} ){
 	    warn "Warning: prerequisite $prereq $self->{PREREQ_PM}->{$prereq} not found";
 # Why is/was this 'delete' here?  We need PREREQ_PM later to make PPDs.
 #	} else {


Follow-Ups from:
Gurusamy Sarathy <gsar@ActiveState.com>
andreas.koenig@anima.de (Andreas J. Koenig)

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