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Re: smarter makes

Henrik Tougaard <ht.000@foa.dk> writes:

> On non-POSIX systems (eg: VMS) the make/Makefile pair might be named
> something quite different (eg: mms/descrip.mms).
> It makes the task of porting modules easier (not much, but some) that
> the installation process start with 'perl Makefile.PL' - after all
> perl is normally called perl.

So let's supply a small shell script called 'perl' and rename
Configure 'Makefile.PL', and everybody is happy?

Just kidding...
But seriously, I agree with Tom that it would be nice to please most
of the people most of the time. In other words, if the target system
has 'make' and 'sh', do it automatically. If not, one has to run
Configure through the appropriate shell.

-- Johan

References to:
Henrik Tougaard <ht.000@foa.dk>

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