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Re: [ID 20000111.008] use strict 'vars'

From the number of cheap shots TomC has been making recently, I'd say
something has him in a bad mood. But that aside, has everyone given up
hope on backwards-compatibly catching $a and $b problems?

<strawman> Warn on uses at the toplevel scope (or scopes without a
subroutine definition ancestor). Queue up the warnings for all other
scopes, and track which things are definitely used as sort subs in the
same compile. Wipe those out, and emit the remaining warnings at the end
of the compile. Don't worry about the cases that slip through the
cracks. </strawman>

Maybe that's totally insane, I don't know.

Given that this "bug" report arises so frequently, why was I unable to
find any mention in the 5.5.62 docs? I didn't try that hard, but no
perlfaq entry, no mention in strict.pm, no perltrap entry. The following
are people's strict.pm patches -- why aren't they in?:


There is a mention in perlfunc, but judging from the number of reports,
that's not enough. It strikes me as wartlike enough in behavior to merit
quite a few notices in the documentation.

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