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Re: exists $foo[7] and delete $foo[7]

Mark-Jason Dominus writes:
: Could you explain why?  Because I don't understand the cruciality, and
: it seems like a very bad idea to me.  In particular, I would have
: thought that this:
: > We're officially in the beta-building phase now, and I'm going to
: > focus on making 5.5.64 as feature-complete as possible to call it
: > a beta.  To do that, we need to pull together all the loose ends
: > in the _existing_ features; if any of you have brand new feature
: > ideas that haven't yet been aired, it is probably wise to keep them
: > for 5.7.x.
: would apply to anyone who wanted to make a basic change to the
: semantics of arrays, and I don't understand why it doesn't.

It isn't a change, in the sense that this doesn't break anything, since
you couldn't use exists() and delete() on an array at all before.  If
those verbs are to have meaning on arrays, this meaning is as good as
any.  So I guess I don't much care whether there's an immediate "why".

I've generally found Sarathy's tastes to be impeccable, though everyone's
tastes need pecking now and then.


Follow-Ups from:
Mark-Jason Dominus <mjd@plover.com>
References to:
Mark-Jason Dominus <mjd@plover.com>

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