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Re: [ID 19991229.003] perl 5.005_03 core dumps -- signal

On Sun, Jan 16, 2000 at 03:37:16PM +0000, nick@ing-simmons.net wrote:
> Joshua N Pritikin <joshua.pritikin@db.com> writes:
> >Furthermore, Event tries
> >to ignore the implications of multiple threads as much as possible.   
> Which is a weakness. Modern Tcl/Tk can at least "tolerate" multiple threads.
> (Multiple threads are almost mandatory as work-rounds to Win32 issues.)
> Thus Event should probably use the C level mutex stuff from the perl core
> where appropriate. That said until thread support in the core settles
> down I can understand Joshua's reluctance to mess with threads.

Yes, that is the situation.  I am happy to add whatever thread support
is deemed appropriate as soon as what is appropriate isn't a wildly
moving target.

"Never ascribe to malice that which can be explained by stupidity."
                            via, but not speaking for Deutsche Bank

References to:
Joshua N Pritikin <joshua.pritikin@db.com>
Nick Ing-Simmons <nick@ing-simmons.net>

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