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Re: A common base exception object for Perl - RFC

"Redford, John" wrote:

> the point were the Exception is raised is explicitly NOT where the
> logic to handle the exception is located. What would be best is a way
> for:
>         eval { ... die new Exception }
>         if ( blessed($@) and $@->isa('Exception') ) { confess $@ }
> to generate a stack dump as-if the confess occurred where the exception
> was located. This would seem to require for 'die' to look at its argument

This is exactly what I have running here now (and in Graham's C<Error>

In both cases, the exception creation code stuffs a stack trace into one
of its properties iff a global flag is set (to avoid the overhead of
walking the stack when not required).

Further, as I perform unnatural and forbidden acts witb
C<$SIG{__DIE__}>, I can write:

	debugLevel 1;	# sorry Tom :)

	try {
	  die "foo";
	} except {

>         if ( blessed($@) and $@->isa('Exception') ) { confess $@ }

Even without dodgy pseudo-SIG processing,

	blessed $@ and $@->croak

should do. The whole point of all this is that if C<$@> isn't a string,
it's an Exception or a subclass thereof... (Anybody using a prior
exception system will already have code to handle it.)

> Personally, I would just not worry about it now; I'd rather see a basic
> module sooner than a do-everything module-suite later.

Well, quite. In any case, the definition of do-everything is an
attribute of any given programmer...

use Disclaimer::Standard;	# Motorola GSM Software Factory
my $phone='+44 1793 564450';	# "'Not twisted,' Salzy once said of
my $fax='+44 1793 566918';	#  her own passion, 'it is helical.
my $mobile='+44 7973 725120';	#  That sounds better.'"

References to:
"Redford, John" <John.Redford@fmr.com>

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