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Re: No version in AutoLoader?

>>>>> On Mon, 3 Jan 2000 14:30:56 +0100 (MET), Marek Rouchal DAT CAD HW Tel 25849 <marek.rouchal@hl.siemens.de> said:

 > Hello,
 > using CPAN.pm, I've noticed that there is no version defined in
 > AutoLoader.pm in perl5.005_03. This causes CPAN to print the following
 > line when listing "recommendations":

 > Package namespace         installed    latest  in CPAN file
 > AutoLoader                    undef      5.56  CHIPS/perl5.004_05.tar.gz

 > This is obviously confusing. Will the next Perl release have a
 > version again or should the version checking for AutoLoader be
 > suppressed in CPAN.pm?

Before answering in depth, let me confirm, that the next perl will
have a version number on AutoLoader, either 5.57 or higher, so here is
not the problem.

I think, the right answer to the repeating problem that some modules
are only available via upgrading of perl will be the following:

Fragmentize every newest perl into single module distributions and put
them all on CPAN and let the usual CPAN indexing happen on them. E.g.:

As soon as CHIPS uploads perl5.004_05, a process should automatically


Done right, this will lead to an index on CPAN that doesn't mention
CHIPS/perl5.004_05.tar.gz at all, and instead of what you cite,
CPAN::Shell->r will output

  Package namespace         installed    latest  in CPAN file
  AutoLoader                    undef      5.56  perl/AutoLoader-5.56.tar.gz

and the user will be able to say

  install AutoLoader

and get what he expects. One side effect of this will be that we
finally have a means to get at all perl standard modules as modularly
(sp?) as to the rest of CPAN. It's kind of the opposite of the SDK.
Hmmm. KDS? Kernel Decon Struction?

It's pretty likely that I will try this out during the next days, so
please speak up if anybody sees a problem. (I know, there's still no
solution to Ilya's two Devel::Peek versions)


Follow-Ups from:
Gurusamy Sarathy <gsar@ActiveState.com>
References to:
Marek Rouchal DAT CAD HW Tel 25849 <marek.rouchal@hl.siemens.de>

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