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Re: help please with perl module automatic installer

> I really think I must be taking the wrong approach to attempting to
> compute all the variables I need to set, and the values I need to set
> them to. I wasn't able to find any way to compute both INSTALLSITELIB
> and INSTALLSITEARCH correctly that worked for both settings; I ended
> up giving up and using the last match in grep /site_perl/ @INC for
> both, which must be wrong, but seems to work.

I really don't understand the problem.  Could you explain, in excruciating
detail, what's wrong with using $Config{'installsitelib'} and
$Config{'installsitearch'} ?  I don't mean to be difficult, but I really
don't undertstand your question.  Perhaps it's something specific to rpm
package building or something, but I'm really confused.

    Andy Dougherty		doughera@lafayette.edu
    Dept. of Physics
    Lafayette College, Easton PA 18042

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