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Re: Easier building of Perl

Johan Vromans (lists.p5p):
>Would it be feasible to split the Perl configure process in two
>stages. The first stage uses a reasonably small shell script to find
>out major things like program locations and (some) libraries. This
>information is used to build a miniature Perl interpreter (even less
>than the current miniperl). This interpreter should be able to process
>the Perl5 language, excluding the system dependent stuff.
>In the second stage, the miniature interpreter processes a much bigger
>configure script (Makefile.PL?) and gathers the information to build
>the complete Perl interpreter.

That's exactly what I'm doing. See my post last week about configureless
builds. The first stage is done. If you want to help out on the second,
please feel free to get in touch. :)

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