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Re: extracting last part of cwd

2000-01-12-12:38:26 lewst:
> I apologize for the "newbie" nature of this question, but
> dejanews has been down for 2 days so I can't post to the
> newsgroup or search for answers.

This inspires in me a couple of questions for the wizards on the
perl5-porters mailing list:

Is there a "perl-users" mailing list out there anywhere?

If not, maybe there should be, for the benefit of people who not
have access to netnews? It's easy enough to set up a list with
automatic archiving these days; would it be a good idea?

> I'm need to extract only the last element of the current working
> directory and store it in a variable but can't figure out how.

Using Cwd::cwd to get the path is a fine start.

Once you have it in $mycwd, there are many ways to proceed. A
couple of them come to mind immediately in the category of basic
string processing. If you are working on a system that uses "/" to
separate the directories in a pathname, then a couple of ways to
pull out the dir would be

	my $dir = (split '/', $mycwd)[-1];
	my($dir) = ($mycwd =~ m#/([^/]+)$#);

If you are more interested in portability, I'd tend to recommend

	use File::Basename;
	my $dir = basename $mycwd;

That should so something appropriate regardless of how your local OS
writes pathnames.


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References to:
lewst <lewst@yahoo.com>

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