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Re: inherted overload & mixed type operations

On Wed, Jan 12, 2000 at 04:20:52PM -0500, Ilya Zakharevich <ilya@math.ohio-state.edu> wrote:
> I have no idea what are you talking about.  Please explain how you can
> do this in C++:

template<class A, class B> A operator +(A a, B b) { ... }

You can also partially specialise this method to get the perl way of
overloading (but still being much more flexible). And since you can find
about a type at runtime there is not much difference between perl and C++,
except that perl is more limited.

It is out of the question that the simpler perl model works fine for most
uses (including mine, as you told me) and requires less effort on the side of
the programmer.

But it nevertheless makes some things difficult or impossible to do.

> Again: please stop these pointless accusations.

Go figure! How about your pointless ignorance of my mails? I made a
bona-fide attempt at reporting a bug in perl, I delivered all the
debugging output you requested, and you keep ignoring my mails. If
you took the time to read my mails you surely would have a better
understanding of the problem.

What I should have done would be to seperate my (bnogus) feature-request
from the bug, but it wasn't clear to me that there was a bug when I
originally posted my mail. And if I knew the solution to my problems
beforehand, I would probably never found out about the bug in the first

      -----==-                                             |
      ----==-- _                                           |
      ---==---(_)__  __ ____  __       Marc Lehmann      +--
      --==---/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /       pcg@opengroup.org |e|
      -=====/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\       XX11-RIPE         --+
    The choice of a GNU generation                       |

Follow-Ups from:
Ilya Zakharevich <ilya@math.ohio-state.edu>
References to:
Marc Lehmann <marc@gimp.org>
Ilya Zakharevich <ilya@math.ohio-state.edu>
Marc Lehmann <marc@gimp.org>
Ilya Zakharevich <ilya@math.ohio-state.edu>
Marc Lehmann <marc@gimp.org>
Ilya Zakharevich <ilya@math.ohio-state.edu>
Marc Lehmann <marc@gimp.org>
Ilya Zakharevich <ilya@math.ohio-state.edu>

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