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Re: CPAN is getting too big

At 07.54 -0700 2000.01.05, Tom Christiansen wrote:
>>Anything on CPAN is publicly available and should be copyable and
>>redistributable in the form it resides on CPAN. Period.
>It certainly fundamentally counterproductive to try to restrict access
>to CPAN.  If one doesn't want people to be able to get at one's software,
>then why did one give it away?
>The same can be said of the matter of that fellow who wanted to print
>out the whole Perl docset verbatim when people started crowing about
>copyright restriction.  Why would we want people not to be able
>to get a printout of the standard documentation?
>More access is better.  Less access is bad.

It seems to me that uploading to CPAN, knowing that CPAN is being
ditstributed around the world on many sites, is implicit acceptance of the
work also being distributed in ANY form, as long as it is part of the whole
of CPAN (minus some of the, er, larger and less relevant pieces, like the
binary distribution).  I don't see how a case can possibly be made that me
selling a CD snapshot of CPAN in any way hurts anybody, except for the
sucker who buys it from me.  :-)

Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
%PGPKey = ('B76E72AD', [1024, '0824090B CE73CA10  1FF77F13 8180B6B6'])

References to:
Tom Christiansen <tchrist@jhereg.perl.com>

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